Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Pre-Order Details

We’ve been working on our letterpress-printed, limited edition of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy for almost two years. Next week, we’ll be sharing the details and opening pre-orders for the first book, Foundation.
As mentioned before, we are collaborating with Gregory Manchess on the artwork for all three volumes and Brandon Sanderson has written an exclusive new foreword for the first book.
On Monday, August 26th at 10am ET, we will unveil Foundation in three states—Collector’s, Deluxe, and Lettered.
The release will be done in three waves because we asked collectors to record their interest via a waitlist in January, and this allows those who responded the first chance, after right holders, to pre-order copies. Please note that the waitlist is now closed.
Additional details for each wave:
- WAVE 1: Tuesday, August 27th at 10am ET, pre-orders will open exclusively for rights-holders of the Deluxe and Lettered editions. Rights-holders are those who acquired Deluxe copies #1-150 of The House on the Borderland & Others or any Lettered copy, directly from Conversation Tree Press, and they will have a private 48-hour window to secure a matching number or letter. Collector’s Edition copies will not be available at this time.
WAVE 2: Thursday, August 29th at 12pm ET, the following books will be made available to rights-holders and collectors who signed up to the waiting list in January 2024.
- Collector’s Edition copies.
- Unclaimed Deluxe copies between #1-150 (which will come with rights to Solaris later this year) and copies #151 and greater (which do not have rights associated with them). If any copies from #1-150 are available, they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis as Deluxe copies are ordered on the website.
WAVE 3: Friday, August 30th at 12pm ET, the following will become available to the general public:
- Remaining Collector’s Edition copies.
- Remaining Deluxe copies.
- A link to a lottery to pre-order unclaimed Lettered copies, if any remain.
I’m incredibly proud of all the work Gregory, Brandon, Ludlow Bookbinders, Paperwilds, and Hand & Eye have put into these books and I’m looking forward to sharing them with everyone.