April Gyaff - The House on the Borderland and Other Updates

William Hope Hodgson’s The House on the Borderland & Others
The House on the Borderland & Others by William Hope Hodgson with illustrations by Dave McKean is the first in our Weird. series, curated and edited by S.T. Joshi, and will open for preorders on Tuesday April 23rd at 10am ET to rights-holders who have Lettered/Deluxe copies of Treasure Island with rights, and on Thursday April 25th at 12pm ET for the public.
With twenty-nine (29!) full colour pieces and twelve pen and ink illustrations printed letterpress, Dave’s artwork perfectly captures the boundless cosmic dread and nightmarish realms of Hodgson’s imagination in an edition that is as unsettling as it is captivating.
In addition to The House on the Borderland, our collection will include four additional shorter Hodgson tales, each accompanied by a piece of art, shown below. Additional details to come.
Manhattan Fine Press and Antiquarian Book Fair
Conversation Tree Press will have a table at this Saturday’s Manhattan Fine Press and Antiquarian Book Fair, organized by the North American Chapter of the Fine Press Book Association. If you’re able to attend please feel free to stop by and say hello.
J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan
The Deluxe state of Peter Pan won second place at the Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design. I'll have copies of all three states at the Fair.
Joe Hill’s Faun
We’re down to the last 13 copies of the Deluxe State.
Most Lettered copies have arrived or will arrive within the next few days and the response so far has been fantastic.
The very first Roman Numeral has been completed and I’ll have it at the Fair as well. Pictures and a video to come after I return home.
Daniel Keyes’s Flowers for Algernon
Shipping for Flowers for Algernon is delayed and now expected in June. The first few months of the year have flown by and I apologize for not updating the status earlier. I’ll have a set of the text blocks at the Fair, and, as usual, Phil’s letterpress printing is gorgeous.
R.L. Stevenson’s Treasure Island
The Standard, Deluxe and Lettered states of Treasure Island are now all spoken for—thank you to everyone who pre-ordered a copy. Ten sets of sheets were offered as part of the limitation during the Kickstarter campaign and the remaining copies are now available on the website.
I’ll have the Deluxe prototype at the Fair along with some proof sheets from Pat Randle, who continues work on the letterpress printing.