October Gyaff - Updates from the Press

A Note on Artwork
I think illustrated books enrich the reading experience by offering a visually immersive journey alongside the text. At Conversation Tree Press, the commitment to both art and story is one of the things that sets our editions apart, as can be seen from a few recent and upcoming editions:
- Treasure Island: 52 illustrations
- The House on the Borderland & Others: 29 paintings and 12 illustrations
- Foundation: 5 double-page paintings and 7 full page portrait illustrations
- Solaris: 16 full colour illustrations and 14 black and white
- Tom Kidd Book: 9 oil paintings and 31 pen and ink drawings
Collaborating with artists to bring my favourite books to life is one of the most enjoyable parts of what I do, and I look forward to sharing more of their amazing work in the future.
Shipping Update
I received a pallet from Ludlow Bookbinders yesterday with copies of:
- Treasure Island Standard
- Faun Standard
- Peter Pan Standard
- Peter Pan Deluxe
- Flowers for Algernon Standard
- A little project we’ve been working on for some time and may announce before Solaris if we make good progress with shipping the above titles.
My wife and I will be spending the next couple of weeks fulfilling orders, so thank you for your continued patience as we work our way through a few hundred books.
Treasure Island
As mentioned above, Standard copies of Treasure Island are complete and will begin shipping shortly from both Ludlow Bookbinders (for European orders) and here in Canada (everywhere else).
Deluxe copies are on track to be completed next week at the bindery and copies will then be shipped here.
Lettered copies will be completed by the end of the month and these always ship directly to collectors, wherever they are in the world.
Kickstarter backers who paid in full during the campaign for either Standard or Deluxe books will soon receive a request to enter their shipping details. I already have shipping information for those who paid via instalments.
If you placed an order for any state of Treasure Island and you’ve moved please let me know as soon as possible.
The House on the Borderland & Others
The House on the Borderland & Others experienced a delay with printing but is now in progress and expected to ship in February 2025. Apologies for the delay on this.
All the pieces of Foundation are coming together and it is on track to be delivered in Q2 2025.
Solaris will open for pre-orders in November, please see the blog post here for details.
Tom Kidd Book
Tom Kidd recently turned in the artwork for an upcoming book that will open for pre-orders in February 2025. That’s 9 oil paintings and 31 pen and ink drawings, along with unique, original drawings to be included in every Lettered edition.
It has been a pleasure to collaborate with an artist whose work I’ve admired long before the inception of Conversation Tree Press and I’m looking forward to sharing more as we get closer to that date.
Guy Gavriel Kay’s Tigana
Last month I had the pleasure of having lunch with Guy Gavriel Kay, who is as gifted a storyteller in person as he is in his writing. We talked a lot about our upcoming edition of Tigana and how its themes resonate with people around the world.
Looking forward
Work continues on Octavia Butler’s Kindred, other volumes in the Weird. collection, and a number of other books that have not yet been announced. Exciting times ahead.