January Gyaff - Updates from the Press

Reflecting on 2024
It may be late in the year to reflect on 2024, but it’s always worth pausing to appreciate what’s been achieved and the progress made, especially in light of the countless hours and dedication from everyone who contributed to making 2024 a successful year.
Sold Out Editions
Last year we welcomed many new collectors to the Conversation Tree Press fold and sold out of all copies of every book that went up for pre-order. The few remaining copies of Deluxe Peter Pan, Deluxe Faun, and Standard Flowers for Algernon also made their way to collectors.
Peter Pan Won an Award
The Deluxe Peter Pan won second place at the Alcuin Awards, finding itself in the company of two Canadian presses whose work I’ve long admired—the Eldsted’s Barbarian Press and Jason Dewinetz’s Greenboat House Press.
Short Stops
Our first Short Stops title, The Paper Menagerie, was released and copies began shipping on the same day we started accepting orders.
I’m hard-pressed to think of another small press that has achieved this for a book outside the public domain, especially with this level of craftsmanship—letterpress printing, hardbound in custom marbled paper, and signed by the author—so we’re especially proud of this.
And I'm happy to report there are more on the way, see the Schedule section below.
Bound for Good
Thanks to the generosity of our collectors, the first title in our Bound for Good initiative raised C$3,890 for Suddaby Public School. I’ve had copies of other titles custom bound and will be making them available later this year, with proceeds going to other local charities.
Centipede Press Collaboration
Last year I had the honour of collaborating with Jerad at Centipede Press on the Deluxe Edition of Peter Straub’s Ghost Story. I’ve known Jerad for many years and it was an honour to be asked to design the binding, which was executed by Ludlow Bookbinders with marbling by Freya Scott. I'll share more pictures and details once collectors have received their copies. In the meantime, the photo above features the tipped-in, letterpress-printed sheet that offers some information. Jerad may have copies remaining.
A Visit to the UK
Another highlight from last year was my visit to the UK where, for the first time, I got to meet many of the people who print (Pat and Phil) and bind Conversation Tree Press books (the wonderful people at Ludlow Bookbinders), along with others whose work I admire, like Rich, Anthony, Marcelo, and James.
Looking Ahead to 2025
In the midst of all the books we’re working on (see Schedule below), there are two highlights:
Two’s Company
I’m delighted to share that my wife, Danielle, is officially joining Conversation Tree Press part-time. Her unwavering support and work, alongside Andy’s invaluable advice, have been instrumental in getting the Press to where it is today. Working together with Danielle is a dream come true for both of us, and it comes at the perfect time when we have so many wonderful things coming.
New Website
We’re quickly outgrowing our current website and it's become a bit difficult to keep up with some sections, but a new version has been in the works for some time and will be ready later this year. This process has been a valuable opportunity to reflect on how far Conversation Tree Press has come over the past three years and envision the path ahead, all while creating a site that equips us with the tools and flexibility to support what’s to come.
Coming Soon
Early February: The next Short Stops title, by Ray Bradbury, will be ready in early February and available for ordering then. As before, copies will be made available first to those who have rights from our most recently release, Solaris, and then to the public shortly after. Shipping, as will be the case with all Short Stops titles, will begin on the same day orders open.
I still owe an email to all the collectors who have rights by way of their Deluxe pre-order of Solaris, and I sincerely apologize for that. This email will go out before the Bradbury Short Stops title is released. Note: all Lettered Solaris pre-orders came with rights.
Late February: Later in February the book illustrated by Tom Kidd will be up for pre-order. We’ve worked on it for years and I’m very much looking forward to sharing it with everyone.
Here is the teaser again:
It will be available in three states: Collector’s, Deluxe and Lettered Editions. The Lettered state will be partially bound in hand-made paper by Zoë Goehring of Cave Paper, in a custom colour for our book:
Zoë does beautiful work and is great to work with, so you can expect to see more of it in our Lettered, and sometimes Deluxe, Editions.
March: Our third Short Stops title is at the printer right now and this new old tale will be available in March. It’s special for a number of reasons, only one of them being that it’s printed on increasingly rare Zerkall paper, whose existence and availability for this edition was a pleasant surprise. It felt like a good fit.
As some collectors may know, the Zerkall Mill produced some of the finest papers for years, with many of their ranges becoming staples among letterpress printers over that time. Unfortunately, a flood three years ago forced the closure of the mill and since then it’s been getting more and more difficult to find any.
Looking Further Ahead
I’m incredibly excited for the future of the Press. We’re working on a significant number of projects at the moment, and in the past few weeks have acquired rights to a number of others. Some of these books came up repeatedly in the survey, while others didn’t appear at all—and that’s exactly how I like it.
I’m excited by the breadth of books we’re publishing, both in terms of the content, and the production. Public domain fantasy, contemporary sci-fi, a narrative poem with woodcuts by one of the masters, sword and sorcery, adventure on the high seas in a new novella with Marc Castelli, all that and more.
Production Update
We’ve had some delays in the printing of some of the titles below, but we’re working incredibly hard to address this issue and reduce the time between pre-orders and shipping for the bigger, multi-state books. This will take some time, so I apologize and thank you for your continued patience.
As mentioned previously, Short Stops titles will always begin shipping on the same day that orders are accepted, and we have a number of them planned this year.
The House on the Borderland & Others
This edition is with Ludlow Bookbinders at the moment and shipping is now expected in March.
Printing is delayed on this again, so shipping is likely going to be in May or June. Pre-orders for Foundation and Empire will not begin until all copies of Foundation have been shipped.
All the offset printing is complete and the letterpress printing is well underway. Shipping is expected in May or June as well.
Weird. Volume 2
The typesetting is complete for the second volume in our Weird. Series and the artwork well on its way. If all goes as planned, this book will open for pre-orders this year.
The artist has begun work on Tigana and I’m looking forward to sharing more soon. If all goes as planned, this book will open for pre-orders this year.
Foundation and Empire
Foundation and Empire will also open for pre-orders this year if all goes as planned, but not until after Foundation ships.
Thank you
If you’ve made it all the way to the end, there’s a good chance you’ve been a supporter of the Press—and for that, Danielle and I extend our heartfelt thanks. Your support makes it possible for us to do what we love, and we can’t wait to bring more thoughtfully made books into your hands soon.